Drone meaning refers to unmanned aerial vehicle robotics.
Drone meaning in this current 21 century is changing rapidly as the pace of new innovative ideas and digital technologies become more flexible and affordable for the hobbyist and semi-professional photographers, because there is the largest market field in the inexpensive product range, of under US$1200.

Drone meaning in the creative video photography of inaccessible locations, meaning the bird eye view from above the human ground level. Access to view the ground from high altitude of several hundred feet changes everything, it opens up entirely different perspective on the environment. Here is one such example: Niagara Falls Video. In this video the video camera on board the drone is filming the perilous Niagara Water Falls from several hundred feet up in altitude, it shows a stunning video view of an inaccessible location with the help of the High Tech Video Camera set up on a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.
Whats Good about a Camera Drone.
What’s good about a camera drone-and why buy a U.A.V is a fair question. This question can be explained by separating the questions and answers into two separate compartments. On one side there is the young liberals need for; exploration, new experiences, creativity, and innovation. On the other side there is the old conservative mind set; conserve energy, traditional program and routine, classic view, non exploratory, new ideas only create interesting if they are sure fire investments. Read more here on: What’s good about a camera drone.
So what is it about Drone meaning that has potential.
It is the advantage view from the angle above that looks different, it is the unusual view from above that makes the trees and the structures look different. The hobbyist can explore a particular environment and shoot stills or video from that location. For the professional, UAV Photography with a Camera Drone has many options; it can still photo’s or video stream, to be used for advertising and promotion purpose, e.g. hotel, resorts, restaurants, a town, a city or what ever location or business that needs to be advertised and promoted.
The advantage of the above view also very quickly reveals the environment on the ground and what it contains as in structures, plants, trees, water bodies, smoke, fire, mobile vehicles and visible people. So therefore it has become very popular with fire fighters, police, security and protective services, search and rescue, intelligence services, and the military application. But this category is entirely different to the hobbyist entry level Drone meaning. The serious governmental applications cost many thousands and even millions of US dollars per unit to purchase, maintain and to employ staff to operate them.
Drone meaning does not need to be a negative one, it can equally be a positive civil hobbyist application and use as the negative military civil bi-lateral damage reports when the Drone meaning changes to a drone with payload of high explosives, and satellite guided operators watching with eagle eyes for combatants with an infrared cameras flying over the dessert waste land or doing routine patrols over oil pipelines or their own military post borders .
Drone meaning is this context is all about meaningful photography, creative video stream, exploration, innovate use of the modern day digital technology, G.P.S guided flight control systems and much much more that will be available for the hobbyist in the near future. Check out this one fine product, with a series of YouTube videos on; Buy UAV.