Tag Archives: New Book: The Nemesis 2018

New Book: The Nemesis 2018


May 10. 1944. Picture from Website. metsapirtti.net

The cause and effect of events from 1900, 1905, 1914, 1917. Led to more domino effects in 1922, 1936-1938, and 1939 to 1941.

By 1918 and 1941 Finland had a gut full of the Bolsheviks arrogance of causing the Russian Revolution  and the Russian Civil War in 1918 – 1922. At the end of the Russian Civil war that did not appease the Bolsheviks political ambitions and military conquest.

Soviet Union was officially announced in 1922, and by 1939 it had developed an appetite for even more lawless, it was more hungry than the Russian Monarchy had ever been, for a conquest push into East European, Baltic States, and into the Nordic Finland.

After 1939-1940 Soviet generals War against peace left no alternative for Finland than to make a preemptive strike on the Finland Karelian region that the Soviets had annexed and occupied.

Starting in July 1941 Finnish forces had gained the 1940 borders in Karelian Isthmus in  two weeks. They maintained those positions for 3 years . It was mostly trench warfare from 1941 to 1944. Until the German forces were pushed back from Moscow by the allied forces support for the Soviets.

Once the Germans were pushed back towards Berlin past Petersburg, then the Soviet military focused their Red Army strength to smash the Finnish forces that take the Finnish Karelia from the 1939-40 Soviet invasion. It was partly offended pride, revenge and rebound that brough massive built up of the Red Army to the Finnish border at Valkeasaare.

Then on May 10. 1944. then the Soviet Red Army  let loose all the artillery that they had on offer.

“The Red Army attack on the 6.7 km long Valkeasaare, located at the Finland 1920 border front line of defense positions. With reserves for a three-part guard, supported by three regiments of armored tanks and assault tank guns. In addition to the artillery divisions, there were six artillery regiments, as well as cannons and rocket launchers. The battlefield was prepared to support with 1,208 over 75mm caliber cannons or grenade launchers.”

“The Soviet concentration of cannon positions per kilometer at the front line was over 200 cannons per a kilometer section.
On June 9, 1944, the Red Army commenced the destruction of Suomi positions by the use of air force, which was a shock to the Finnish 10th Division, that was positioned in the area and immediately had to engage the reserves to the battle.”

“The Suomi headquarters still did not believe that a significant Red army invasion had begun. The next day, on June 10, at 5 o’clock in the morning began the red Army cannon fire assault with the preparation that lasted 135 minutes, which involved 3,000 cannons and grenade launchers. The Suomi positions were pulverized almost completely.”

The artillery onslaught was followed by the air bombers that dropped 300 tons of munitions on the Finnish front line positions. The Soviet objective for the shelling and bombing was to demolish all the underground dugouts and bunkers.

“According to the fallen database of the War Archive, Valkeasaari casualties from the 9 of June to 14. June, there was 163 death. That line of defense was broken by the Red Army, and the remaining Suomi soldiers had to withdraw back to a second defense line at The VT-line or Vammelsuu–Taipale line.”

The Valkeasaari break through, allowed the Soviets to advance 20 kilometers deep toward the city of Vyburg, and 15 kilometers wide breach of the Finnish border front line.

“The Taipale River meets the Lake Ladoga; it was a stronghold for the Suomi forces. It came under massive assault during the Winter war of 1939, and the Continuation War of 1944, but the defensive line was never broken by the Red Army. After both wars and the securing of the peace treaty, the Suomi military troops at the Taipale positions, had to walk out of their positions some 100 + kilometers to the agreed new Finland and Russian border, according to the Stalin extortion demands.”

“It is unusual after a peace treaty for the soldiers to withdraw from the positions that they held secure during the course of the war. Stalin used military threats to extort territory from the Finland government representatives, at the peace agreement discussions.”

Finland and German total casualties and losses for the 3 years continuation war on the border and Finland territory are the following:

War evacuees:
430,000 Karelian and Lapland Finns.
63,204 fallen or lost,
158,000 wounded
2,377- 3,500 imprisoned
1,129 dead civilians
German soldiers in Finland:
14,000 fallen or lost,
37,000 wounded
The Red Army’s losses
265,000 fallen or lost
385,000 wounded
4000-7000 dead civilians


“There is much to be learned from history about human behavior, and how deceitful the Nemesis is, and how it influences the good, the bad and the ugly. Meaningful and factual events of human history have been recorded for us to read since 1500 BC.”

“Over 3500 years of reliable, truthful recorded human history, with profound insights into the failings, flaws, sins, hidden mysteries and vulnerability to the diabolical deceitfulness of the human mind. Often entirely self-determined by the program of the master, that he or she chooses to covet, love, follow and commit to in life.”

“What does the bible say about the corrupted nature of human heart and mind? Especially when individual people have ascended into positions of political authority and military power over the ordinary people of the land.”

“Individual people generally do not have the capacity to cause destruction on a massive scale; they don’t have the interest or the time for it. They have their own life to live, seeds to sow, plants to care for and crops to harvest.”

“The destruction on a massive scale comes with political and military power, namely by totalitarian dictators. What comes first, is it the power or the corruption?”

“The corruption of human nature is already there unless it has been dealt with. It may be dormant, like silently sleeping corruption, waiting for the opportunity to manifest. The Nemesis is drawn to the power players of global politics, preying on the potential for mass destruction.”

“Humans really are self-determining free-willed agents. According to their intellect, consciousness, imagination, and will. They do have a free will, and at the same time, they are determined. It may sound like a contradiction, to have a free will, and at the same time to be determined.”

“It is not a contradiction, it just reveals the intricate architecture of the brain design hardware, with the human mind psychology software.
It is not a direct system to the will or a man-made machine controlled by the pulling of levers. That would be too simple for it to be functional with the human consciousness.”

Source: The Nemesis Book.

Website: www.thenemesisbook.com/

Face Book pages: www.facebook.com/The-Nemesis-2018